Struggling to Lose That Menopause Belly Fat? This Could Be Why

Learn why you can’t lose belly fat during menopause and discover a customized nutrition and fitness approach that works with your hormones for results.
Sick of Dieting? Learn How to Finally Lose Weight in Menopause by Eating Foods You Love

See how you can lose weight in menopause and perimenopause while still eating foods you love like chocolate, bread and wine through a personalized, hormone-smart diet.
Lose Belly Fat Fast After 50 Without Extreme Dieting or Hours In the Gym

Discover how to lose stubborn belly fat after 50, fast, without extreme dieting or excessive exercise through strategic nutrition, fitness and lifestyle tips.
Why You Can’t Lose Weight During Menopause and What To Do Instead

Discover how to lose stubborn belly fat after 50, fast, without extreme dieting or excessive exercise through strategic nutrition, fitness and lifestyle tips.
Done with Weight Gain and Feeling Frumpy? Follow These 5 Tips to Lose Fat After Menopause

Regain confidence and lose menopause weight gain fluff through 5 simple nutrition, exercise and lifestyle tweaks recommended by our certified women’s health coaches.
Finally, a Menopause Weight Loss Solution that Lets You Have Your Cake Too!

See how balancing your hormones, metabolism and blood sugar lets you indulge sweet treats in moderation so you can have your cake and lose weight too during menopause!
Why You Must Fix Your Hormones to Finally Lose Belly Fat After Menopause

Struggling with stubborn belly fat through menopause? Fixing your hormones through a customized nutrition plan can finally help release pounds from your midsection.
Done Feeling Invisible? How to Regain Your Confidence After Menopause

Regain sensuality and self-esteem after “the change” through our mindset and lifestyle tips to feel empowered, comfortable and confident during menopause and beyond.
Finally Losing Menopause Weight Gain and Belly Fat with Food Freedom!

Read Jean’s incredible story of losing 40+ pounds through customized menopause nutrition while still enjoying pasta, chocolate and wine daily in balance thanks to our coaches.
Quit Focusing on the Scale If You Want to Finally Lose Weight After Menopause

Quit letting the scale determine your self-worth during menopause weight loss. Here’s how to track your transformation progress using better metrics aligned for your changing body.